On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 11:24:00AM +0200, Michael Reifenberger wrote:
> Hi,
> with a via epia EN-15000 MB and an U160 scsi disk I get with eli(4) I get
> ~27-40MB/s read/write performance trough eli(4) with AES265 key.
> cryptotest gives:
> (totum)(root) ./cryptotest -a aes256 100000 4096
>  7.838 sec,  200000 aes256 crypts,    4096 bytes, 104511751 byte/sec,   
>  797.4 Mb/sec
> not too bad, isn't it? :-)

Nice, could you update padlock(4) with information about supported C7


- Christian

Christian Brueffer      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG Key:         http://people.freebsd.org/~brueffer/brueffer.key.asc
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