Thus spake Charles Sprickman on Wed, May 24, 2006 at 12:26:23AM -0400:
> growfs seems to be the thing to use, but I'm seeing very little about it in 
> the archives.  Is it reliable?  Can it deal with large filesystems? Anyone 
> here have personal experience with it?
Funny you should ask -- I just got bitten by growfs.

Was running out of room and decided to delete a partition and grow FreeBSD
into that space.  Am running 6.1-RELEASE on i386, no RAID, no SCSI.  
I used these tools:
  fdisk -u ...
  bsdlabel -e ...
  growfs -s ...

I followed all tips/instructions I could find and was very careful, I
thought.  All seemed well until the final reboot, when FreeBSD would only
mount all the partitions in the slice as *read-only*.  Nothing I could try
fixed it.  It was also complaining about bad fs blocks, and fsck couldn't
help.  I had to start *all over* and install 6.1 from scratch.

That's just my tale....

- Stephen

Stephen Bartlett
President, Bartlett Software, Inc.

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