Garrett Cooper wrote:
I was wondering if there was any particular technical book or
manual available that anyone would suggest for describing the FreeBSD
kernel, as I have recently picked up a Linux 2.6 kernel book and I
want to obtain a more holistic scope of the proper way to code an
operating system kernel as well as code for a system kernel, as
opposed to just one set of dogmatic approaches for doing it from
Linus/the authors.
I prefer printed media compared to online media, but either-or
would be extremely helpful.
Thank you for your help,
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I like Safari Online Books. You can find the book
Joel Dahl referred to on that site as well as a lot of
other technical books. I prefer printed media sometimes
as well, but I really can't afford to fill my library with
my wish list of books just yet. Just a thought, YMMV
Another interesting and informative book is Steven Bach,
The Design of the Unix Operating System. It is dated
but I think it really gives a person insight into kernel code
and OS considerations.
Kernigan and Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Second Edition
While not exactly about the kernel I believe it gives a person a viewpoint
about programming that I haven't found in any other programming book
I've read. Thin book, but very intense, compact, dense, etc., etc. My fav
Absolutely check out the 4.3 BSD material in the FreeBSD documentation
as well. There are some real gems in there, in my opinion.
Ah, remembering those books makes me want to forget about system admin...
Duane Whitty
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