On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 02:26:45PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>    I am still having huge troubles with using natd with the "divert natd"
>    = in ipfw.
>    I can only nat all my traffic or none.
>    What i would = like to do is simply nat accoring to box or service for
>    a particular bo= x.
>    This is a example of what works for natting all traffic.
>    <= BR>ipfw add divert natd all from any to any via tun0
>    Now i = have tried the likes of "ipfw add divert natd all from
>    10.150.200.= 35 to via tun0"
>     And that does not work.   Ive tried many examples. And cannot come right.
>    All = i need to do is nat for a novell srv trying to access a mail
>    serve= r pop account.
>    Currently im forced to use port forward utilities t= hat dont work.
>    Help would really be appreciated.
why don't you simply use pf? pf simply rocks, and the natting facility
is built in(i don't see the point of userspace natting).
i would give it a try if i were you


Gergely Czuczy
PGP: http://phoemix.harmless.hu/phoemix.pgp

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