On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 10:54:01PM +0300, Alin-Adrian Anton wrote:
> Daniel Eischen wrote:
> [..]
> >
> >Note that sigprocmask() and pthread_sigprocmask() are equivalent.  I
> >don't even think pthread_sigprocmask() is in the standard any longer
> >(it used to be in an older version of the standard).  New applications
> >should be using sigprocmask().
> >
> Yes I noticed. However, this just happens to be the implementation 
> (probably pthread_sigmask is a wrapper to sigprocmask).
> This might not be the case on other OS, so for portability I'll stick to 
> the pthread_sigmask in threads, and sigprocmask in single threaded apps.
For portability you should stick to the standards.

Good luck!

Vasil Dimov

Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence.
                -- Edsger W. Dijkstra

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