i have looked into the pkgtools ruby code.... it seems to be some bug with the logged_command function.
i dont think it is a very clean solution but i have provided a diff against /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb that solves the problem. could someone with knowledge of ruby and maybe in charge of portupgrade check this? i have cc'ed to the ports-mailinglists too since it looks like a bug, thanks & happy easter ;)
483,484d482 < elsif STDIN.tty? < ['/usr/bin/script', '-qa', file, *args] 486c484 < ['/bin/sh', '-c', sprintf('%s >>%s 2>&1', shelljoin(*args), shelljoin(file))] --- > ['/usr/bin/script', '-qa', file, *args]
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