Hello all,

I've been watching this thread with some interest.

I have actually found quite a straightforward solution to this problem that 
works for me under FreeBSD, and requires no extra entries in fstab, scripts 
changing permissions on login, or any other fairly ugly workaround.

I assume that basically what we are looking for is to make mounting/unmounting 
of devices as simple as possible for non-technical users so they do not have 
to run mount manually at the command line.

As mentioned before, you can easily globally restrict which users you wish to 
allow mounting of a particular device by simply using group permissions on 
the device.

Then, assuming you've set vfs.usermount = 1:

1. ) First create some suitable directories under the user's /home folder for 
mounting the devices. For example, I have:

[= Yggdrasil  |  aren  | /usr/home/aren =]% ls -l media
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 aren  aren  512 Apr  6 21:37 cdrw/
drwxr-xr-x  2 aren  aren  512 Apr  6 13:19 dvdrom/
drwxr-xr-x  2 aren  aren  512 Apr  6 15:03 floppy/
drwxr-xr-x  2 aren  aren  512 Apr  6 14:04 usbflash/

2.) Next, add the devices icons to your KDE (or whichever) desktop.

3.)  Now KDE by default will use the mount point specified under /etc/fstab. 
Obviously this is no good, since the current user will not own the mount 
point specified. However, if you simply open up the actual desktop device 
file, it is a very straightforward text file. You can then simply edit 
the "MountPoint" entry to point to the new mount location under your home 

For example, for my DVD-ROM drive desktop link:

[= Yggdrasil  |  aren  | /usr/home/aren/Desktop =]% cat DVD-ROM
[Desktop Action Eject]
Exec=kdeeject %v

[Desktop Entry]

The "FSType" entry is not usually there by default either, but it helps to 
make sure that the correct option is called to mount.

Mounting a device is as simple as just clicking on the desktop icon now, which 
is exactly what we wanted. It will mount the device under the mount location 
in my /home, which I own, and everything works great. 

This method requires no alteration/extra entries in /etc/fstab, no chown on a 
global mount location (since the user always owns their own local mount 
point), no sudo and no setuid. Minimal security compromise.

For a large network, it should be fairly trivial to create a script that will 
add the users to the correct group(s) for mouting the given device(s), create 
the necessary mount directories under the user's /home directory, and 
populate their KDE (or whichever) desktop with the correct (modified) desktop 
entries. Job done.



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