On 3/31/06, Colin Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vlad GALU wrote:
> >    Bank orders should be just fine, assuming Colin tells us his IBAN
> > account number and SWIFT code.
> I wish I could.  Sadly, while Canadian banks are very good at handling
> payments to/from the US, they aren't very good at handling payments from
> outside of North America.  When I asked about this I got the impression
> that such payment mechanisms were only available to business customers
> (i.e., those paying large fees for the privilege).

   If I were to follow Marko's statement, I also live in a 3rd world
country, which is Romania. Over here these services are available to
absolutely everybody, no matter whether they have a credit or debit
card. I've been using them for quite some time to transfer money in
and out, without a single problem, be the transfers local or
international. It's true that sometimes the managing fees were not
exactly friendly (depends on each bank), but it was overall a lot less
expensive than Western Union.
  I'm not familiar with the North American banking practices at all,
but it might not hurt to push them a little ;)

> Colin Percival

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