Søren Schmidt wrote:

On Tor, 2006-03-23 at 14:55 -0500, Alain Hebert wrote:

   I'm about to invest in some Tyan Transport GT20 B5350G20S2H-LC.

But since my epic battle trying to make the Promise Fasttrak 2300TX (PDC20580?) works right in Raid1, 2 weeks ago I'm a bit concern about those new SATA controllers.

Myself I have a PDC20378 in (heavy) production with 5.4-CURRENT and its flawless, I also have a 3ware also in heavy production (way cool but pricy).

But I'm wondering if the 6300ESB controller was still stable in 6-CURRENT?

It should be, however hotplug/hotremoval is not supported, so if you can
live without that the work just fine.

I wasn't expecting anymore than -> it works or it dont. I'm sure that it will be there in the future if its worth it.

FYI: I'm very (to oo) gratefull for your work on this... My PDC20378 is working like a charme since 5.4.

   Anybody need a Promise Fasttrak 2300TX to develop/test/fix?

I know that the 6-CURRENT driver wasn't recognizing the Raid config with the 2.5.x firmware, but was ok with the original firmware (2.0.x)

You can always send ATA gear to me and get (better) support that way, in
fact that, and sponsoring time to work on it is *the* way to get ATA
support moving forward as I have limited amounts of spare time.
BTW this has been so for the past 6+ years :)

I can sponsor a card if its worth it. But my views are: *BSD should not be like Linux and support sub-standard hardware.

I dont know the stand of the community on which SATA controller to focus developement on.
   (Like the adaptecs where with the SCSI Interface).

Personally, if I have to deploy mirror, geom is good enought at the moment. But for real production, there is no way around a 3ware card.
   (mmm 3ware...)


For sponsoring time:

   Heck, I'm broke and ain't a manufacturer.  (;

   My biggest problem at the moment is documentation.

   I have nothing on the PDC chipsets...

   I have spare disks, card, and a couple of P3 boxes...


I've been helping with the saa7135 (TV/FM card) but I have the same issue with chipset documentation... So I'm reduce to be a test monkey.

I dont have the patience anymore to endlessly try stuff up, I need documentation and its been a while since I saw a silicon pusher so all my contacts are pretty much all dried up. (Any hint are welcome)

Alain Hebert [EMAIL PROTECTED] PubNIX Inc. P.O. Box 175 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 5T7
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