On Thursday 16 March 2006 19:45, Ensel Sharon wrote:
> I have successfully configured and used a GBDE.  I followed these
> instructions:
> http://0x06.sigabrt.de/howtos/freebsd_encrypted_image_howto.html
> Easy.  No problem.
> However, when I place the backing-store-file on a mounted sshfs
> (fuse) volume, it no longer works.  Specifically, when I issue
> command:
> gbde init /dev/md0 -i -L /etc/gbde/md0
> and save the resulting file that opens in my editor (without making
> any changes, as usual), after typing in my passphrase twice, I get
> this error:
> Enter new passphrase:
> Reenter new passphrase:
> gbde: write: Input/output error
> #
> Is this expected ?  Is this a specific problem with fuse-fs, or
> would this fail if I tried to put the backing store on any kind of
> other mounted abnormal filesystem ? (say an NFS mount, or another
> md-backed mount point)
> Any comments ?  I would really like  to get this to work and would
> be happy to run more tests if someone could suggest some.
I don't have an answer for you, but you may want to contact Csaba Henk 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> about the fuse stuff.

Anish Mistry
AM Productions http://am-productions.biz/

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