As a side note. I'm quietly using the patchset and the stability has never
been so good as with those patches. Over the years I have tried to use
unionfs to mount /usr/ports and /usr/src over NFS while the objects files
stayed local at the client side. I was never able to do a complete build,
without a crash.

With this patchset I haven't had a single crash, even on SMP systems. Lots
of kudos for the work

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Long
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:36 PM
To: Daichi GOTO
Cc: Jan Mikkelsen; [EMAIL PROTECTED];;
[EMAIL PROTECTED];; 'Mars G. Miro'
Subject: Re: patchset-9 release (Re: [unionfs][patch] improvements of the
unionfs - Problem Report, kern/91010)

Daichi GOTO wrote:
> Jan Mikkelsen wrote:
>> Daichi GOTO wrote:
>>> All folks have interests in improved unionfs should keep attentions
>>> and ask "how about merge?" at every turn :)
>> OK.  How about a merge?
>> I'd really like to see this in 6-STABLE.
> Me too, but unfortunately it is difficult with some reasons
> (detail information
> Of course, our patch gives the conditions for integration of
> -current OK. For -stable is BAD.
> We must keep the API compatibility of command/library
> for integration of -stable. With some technical/specifical
> reasons, our improved unionfs has a little uncompatibility.
> For the last time, integration of -stable will be left
> to the judgment of src committers and others.
>> Regards,
>> Jan Mikkelsen.

Right now, unionfs is somewhat usable for read-only purposes.  As
long as your work doesn't alter or break the behaviour of read-only
mounts, I think it's very much ready to go into CVS.  From there it
can get wider testing and review and be considered for 6-stable.
Since read-write support in the existing code is pretty much worthless,
I don't think that there will be a problem justifying the operational
changes that you describe in your documentation.


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