
as a continuation of my Summer of Code project "Improve libalias" 
i just decided to release a new version with:

1) dinamyc address support via interface name 
   (ipfw nat 111 config if tun0)

2) redirect and LSNAT support in ipfw following closely the natd syntax. 
   The only difference with natd is that i changed the syntax from 
   redirect_[addr|port|proto] to redir_[addr|port|proto]. 
   See natd man page for details about redirect and LSNAT.

3) patches for ppp and natd to use libalias modules (see libalias/patch/)

4) many bugfixes and improvements here and there

as always, it supports 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x
Everything was tested on 6.x, but it compiles fine on
4.x and 7.x too. I don't have any 5.x box, so i just made 
the diffs for it.

Project wiki page:


Download link:


There's a detailed readme.txt inside the archive that explains pretty 
much all you want to know: from installtion process to internals, 
so read it.



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