On Sat, Jan 28, 2006 at 04:03:34AM -0500, Anish Mistry wrote:
> On Saturday 28 January 2006 02:10, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> > Is there any equivalent to the Linux Real Mode interface in
> > FreeBSD?  I would like to port a program called atitvout to
> > FreeBSD, but it uses calls to the vesa bios in real mode on the x86
> > arch.  I can't seem to find out how to do this in FreeBSD.
> If you're trying to do tvout with your mach64 chipset, the Xorg config 
> file options work.

First of all, this is not confurable after Xorg has started, AFAIK.
Secondly, when Xorg does autodetect the S-Video connection, it loads the
screen on both the LCD and S-Video interface which my video card does
not like very well.  Linux has the exact same issue, the only solution
was to make sure the s-video connection was unplugged during Xorg
startup and plug it in afterwards.  Then use atitvout to switch over to
the s-video and shut the lcd signal off.  If Xorg can do this after it's
started then I might try that.

> -- 
> Anish Mistry

Loren M. Lang

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