On 12/17/2005 01:34:09 AM, Avleen Vig wrote:
On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 10:40:22AM -0500, Martin Cracauer wrote:
> > 2. SMP kernels for install. Right now we only install a UP
kernel, for
> > performance reasons. We should be able to package both a UP and
> > kernel into the release bits, and have sysinstall install both.
> > should also select the correct one for the target system and make
> > the default on boot.
> If people are concerned about performance, I benchmarked a 6-beta
> kernel SMP versus UP on a socket 939 Opteron.
Must be great having boxes like that ;) You know what I'd like to see
in the next Free BSD? A way to update security fixes without having to
play with any source, or having to touch make world. I know the speed
and so on makes some people like this, but I personally try getting
people who use Windows to switch to another OS or at least show them
something else exists, and it's hard to make someone want to use Free
BSD when installing patches can be such a timely manner.
I know about the port tool, but what I'd love to have is a tool you
could run from the CLI or the GUI that would check for updates, and
then ask which ones to install, similar to Swaret on Slackware. This
way people can do the usual updates if they want, and people like me
can show people BSD and how great it is.
If those results are accurate, there's no real reason not to just use
SMP kernel on default install?
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