Soeren Straarup wrote:
On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Eric Anderson wrote:

Soeren Straarup wrote:

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005, Eric Anderson wrote:

Brian Wilson wrote:

On 9/9/05, Eric Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi list,
I wonder whats the status of those summer of code projects.

From gjournal we heard that it has been completed but then nothing happens, any

further information about this?
Is somebody working on ufsj? Was the summer of code project successful?

Scott Long is the core person working on ufsj, and I have seen some
stuff worked on in his perforce tree, but I think it's a ways away from
being beta.  I'm sure he would welcome help.

I was working on the ufsj stuff as a Google SoC project with Scott.

It is very close to beta, however this past week involved school
starting back up, so I have been unable to do any work at all.

However, now that I am settled in at school (for some definition of
settled in), I have time to devote to ufsj again.

I hope to release a beta "real soon now", so stay tuned.

Hey Brian! Thanks for the info - I've been very interested in the development of the project, but Scott is too busy doing other real stuff, and I oddly didn't even think to ask you anything. :(

I'm willing to play with pre-beta patches or tarballs/etc. Feel free to contact me off list if you'd like a guinea pig.

So am I.. I have the hw to test on too and i wanna test geomgui too (8

What is geomgui aimed at doing? I've been wanting to write a geom viewer that displays (in near real-time) reads/writes to geom providers at a block level visually. Is geomgui going to do something like that? From the src I downloaded and ran from your site, it looked as though you wanted to show a layout of the geom connections.


Your right so far about geomgui. It is to show the way the different
things are hooked up.
But i have plans to make it an interface to the geom layer somehow. But
i'm hooked up on other stuff at the moment.

Ok, cool. Are your plans to interface to geom going to possibly help me with my quest for a visual display of real-time read/writes to geom devices? If so, then we should work together..


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.
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