
I tried building lcc from the quake3 arena sources today, and it failed
when doing
cc -print-search-dirs.
On my FreeBSD -CURRENT I got:
install: /usr/libexec/(null)

On DragonflyBSD guys from #dragonflybsd also got (null) there, except on
very recent DF.

Linux(RH9) has:
install: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2.2/

I changed contrib/gcc/gcc.c so that the (null) does no longer show, can
someone please look at the attached patch for correctness?


<TalisA> was macht man eigentlich auf einer linux-gamer lan ? hl server
aufsetzen und freuen ? *duck* ^^
Index: contrib/gcc/gcc.c
RCS file: /storage/freebsd/cvs/src/contrib/gcc/gcc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -r1.40 gcc.c
--- contrib/gcc/gcc.c	3 Jun 2005 04:02:20 -0000	1.40
+++ contrib/gcc/gcc.c	20 Aug 2005 13:02:49 -0000
@@ -6095,6 +6095,7 @@
   /* Read specs from a file if there is one.  */
+  machine_suffix = "";
   just_machine_suffix = "";
 #else	/* FREEBSD_NATIVE */
   machine_suffix = concat (spec_machine, dir_separator_str,

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