Maybe someone on the hackers or x11 list can help me get going the right
direction here. I can setup FreeBSD servers like the wind - tweak the kernel,
you name it. So this weekend I tried to install FreeBSD 5.4 on my desktop -
what a mess. I never could get anything to run, other than startx or xstart or
something. I ended up once with a blank desktop (I think I typed X) and another
time with the same desktop, but with 3 open windows. Anyway, I finally gave up.
Anyone have any run down on loading FreeBSD as your desktop? I am trying to
go with FreeBSD because I use it for my servers, but I feel like I'm lacking a
broad understanding of how Unix handles windows. I get the impression there is
a server that deals with windows called X windows and then there are different
desktop managers (such as KDE, Gnome, etc) - but I don't understand the
interplay between them and the Kernel as it relates to how I normally see
I'm wondering if someone can give me an overview?
I'm also wondering if I'm barking up the wrong tree. I know Mac uses Darwin,
which is based on BSD. And in the past, I have loaded up Redhat and SUSE and
ended up with a nice desktop - but with FreeBSD I didn't have much luck, even
though I installed just about everything on the install CD's. From what I could
see, there were a ton of things to configure, but I couldn't find any good
documentation on setting up my monitor or what the heck was going on overall -
even in my BSD books, not a lot of help.
Have you looked at the Handbook? It pretty much covers what you need to
know to get working. Also, freebsd-questions@ would be a better email
list (rather than -hackers, which is for hacking on FreeBSD code, etc).
Anyway, I am wondering if maybe running SUSE or Fedora or something might be
better. I'm reading one article right now that says this thing called Xandros
Desktop 3 is great - so far it looks nice in the article and I may give that a
Better? Depends of course. I (as do many others) use FreeBSD on my
desktop and laptop, and feel no need to use anything else really.
I've been using Windows XP for my desktop for so long and am so used to so
many applications on it - I think it would be difficult (at this time) to change
over completely. Unless Wine really does work well enough to run some
applications I can't live without (e.g. Eudora or Pagemaker, etc).
Not sure what you want here, but if you aren't willing to change some
apps, then you shouldn't switch. FreeBSD/linux/etc are not Windows, so
you can't expect them to be Windows. If you are willing to make a
change of email readers (try Thunderbird, Mozilla, etc, etc) and a few
other programs, you'd be fine.
Anyway, any help anyone can provide would be great? I just feel like I'm
lacking a core understanding of how Windowing and desktop interfaces to the
Kernel. And like I say, as much as I would like to make this all happen on
FreeBSD, it seems like Linux maybe is a better choice?
Again, better is a general term that you haven't really defined, so
nobody can help you there unless you explain what it is you want, and
how you see things as 'better'.
Eric Anderson Sr. Systems Administrator Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.
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