Hi Ludvig,

* Ludvig Strigeus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi!
> I see this code:
> +ENTRY(pic16l_setled)
> +     push    %ebp
> +     mov     %esp,%ebp
> +
> +     movl    0x8(%ebp),%ebx
> +     orl     $0x800,%ebx
> +     call    pic16l_ledhlp
> +     movl    $0x701,%ebx
> +     call    pic16l_ledhlp
> +
> +     leave
> +     ret
> With the standard x86 calling convention, you're not supposed to
> modify ebx, esi or edi without saving them first. Try adding a
> push/pop ebx around.

I doubt this is the problem (I've looked at other .s files like
i386/i386/support.s, function ssdtosd, and they don't seem to do this).
You see, in C, I call the function like this (for example):

        void pic16l_setled(unsigned int val);
        pic16l_setled (0x1234);

And it gets assembled to:

        pushl   $0x1234
        call    pic16l_setled

But it should be assembled to:

        pushl   $0x1234
        call    pic16l_setled
        add     $4,%esp                 /* ditch the parameter */

I don't know why it doesn't do this :(

> +ENTRY(pic16l_reboot)
> +       pushl   $0x01
> +       pushl   $0x02
> +       pushl   $0x20
> +       call    pic16l_setbyte
> +       ret
> You're forgetting to adjust the stack here.. you should add 12 to esp
> before returning.
> Same thing in pic16l_poweroff.

Indeed, very correct! Since there functions plainly reboot / halt, I
never noticed this, but you are indeed correct. I'll fix it in a new

> I've never done any FBSD dev, so i could be wrong...but it's worth a try.

Thank you very much for your time! I've CC-ed this discussion to
hackers@, perhaps someone knows more about this ?

Rink P.W. Springer                                - http://rink.nu
"God, root, what is difference?"                  - Pitr, Userfriendly

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