March-June 2005 Status Report

   The second quarter of 2005 has again been very exciting. The BSDCan
   and MeetBSD conferences were both very interesting and and the sources
   of very good times. I highly recommend attending them again next year.

   The Google Summer of Code project has also generated quite a bit of
   excitement. FreeBSD has been granted 18 funded mentorship spots, the
   fourth most of all of participating organizations. Projects being
   worked on range from UFS Journalling to porting the new BSDInstaller
   to redesigning the venerable website. We are quite
   pleased to be working with so many talented students, and eagerly
   await the results of their work. More information and status can be
   found at the Wiki site at

   The FreeBSD 6.0 release cycle is also starting up. The purpose of
   quickly jumping from 5.x to 6.0 is to reduce the amount of transition
   pain that most users and developers felt when switching from 4-STABLE
   to 5.x. 6.0 will feature improved performance and stability over 5.x,
   experimental PowerPC support, and many new WiFi/802.11 features. The
   5.x series will continue for at least one more release this fall, and
   will then be supported by the security team for at least 2 years after
   that. We encourage everyone to give the 6.0-BETA snapshots a try and
   help us make it ready for production. We hope to release FreeBSD 6.0
   by the end of August.

   Thanks again to everyone who submitted reports, and thanks to Max
   Laier for running the show and putting the reports together. Enjoy

  Google summer of code

     * FreeBSD Summer of Code
     * FreeBSD website improvements
     * FreeSBIE toolkit integration
     * gjournal
     * gvinum 'move', 'rename'
     * Improve libalias
     * Integrate the BSD Installer into FreeBSD
     * launchd(8) for FreeBSD
     * Network Interface API Cleanup
     * Nsswitch / Caching daemon
     * SEBSD
     * UFSJ -- Journaling for UFS


     * Fundraising - TCP & IP Routing Optimization
     * GEOM Gate rewrite
     * TODO list for volunteers
     * VFS SMP


     * The FreeBSD Dutch Documentation Project


     * Autotuning of the page queue coloring algorithm
     * CPU Cache Prefetching
     * libmemstat(3), UMA(9) and malloc(9) statistics
     * Low-overhead performance monitoring for FreeBSD
     * Removable interface improvements
     * SMP Network Stack
     * Transparent support for superpages in the FreeBSD Kernel
     * TrustedBSD Audit

  Network infrastructure

     * Dingo
     * if_bridge
     * IPv6 Support for IPFW
     * Move ARP out of routing table
     * TCP Reassembly Rewrite and Optimization
     * TTCPv2: Transactional TCP version 2
     * Wireless Networking Support

  Userland programs

     * OpenBSD dhclient import.
     * Removing of old basesystem files and directories


     * PowerPC Port


     * FreshPorts
     * Porting v9 of Intels C/C++ Compiler
     * Update of the Linux userland infrastructure

  Vendor / 3rd Party Software

     * OpenBSD packet filter - pf


     * BSDCan
     * EuroBSDCon 2005 - Basel
     * FreeBSD Security Officer and Security Team
     * TrustedBSD SEBSD

Autotuning of the page queue coloring algorithm


   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The VM subsystem has code to reduce the amount of cache collisions of
   VM pages. Currently this code needs to be tuned with a kernel option.
   I have a patch which changes this to auto-tuning at boot time. The
   auto-tuning is MI, the cache size detection is MD. Cache size
   detection is currently available for x86/amd64 (on other systems it
   uses default values).

  Open tasks:

    1. Add cache-detection code for other arches too (Marius told me how
       to do this for sparc64).
    2. Analyze why the cache detection on Athlons doesn't work (no
       problems on a P4, but it uses a different code-path).



   Contact: Dan Langille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The second annual BSDCan conference was well presented, well attended,
   and everyone went away with good stories to tell. If you know anything
   that attended, get them to tell you what they did, who they met with,
   and talks they listened to.

   We had 197 people from 15 different countries. That's a strong turnout
   by any definition.

   We'll be adding more people to the program committee for BSDCan 2006.
   This job involves prodding and poking people from your respective
   projects. You get them to submit papers. There are a lot of very
   interesting projects out there and not all of them submit a paper.

   If you know someone doing interesting work, please let me know and
   urge them to start thinking about BSDCan 2006.

CPU Cache Prefetching


   Contact: Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Modern CPU's can only perform to their maximum if their working code
   is in fast L1-3 cache memory instead of the bulk main memory. All of
   today's CPU's support certain L1-3 cache prefetching instructions
   which cause data to be retrieved from main memory to the cache ahead
   of the time that it is already in place when it is eventually accessed
   by the CPU.

   CPU Cache Prefetching however is not a silver bullet and has to be
   used with extreme care and only in very specific places to be
   beneficial. Incorrect usage can lead to massive cache pollution and a
   drop in effective performance. Correct and very carefully usage on the
   other can lead to drastic performance increases in common operations.

   In the linked patch CPU cache prefetching has been used to prefetch
   the packet header (OSI layer 2 to 4) into the CPU caches right after
   entering into the network stack. This avoids a complete CPU stall on
   the first access to the packet header because packets get DMA'd into
   main memory and thus never are already pre-cache in the CPU caches. A
   second use in the patch is in the TCP input code to prefetch the
   entire struct tcpcb which is very large and used with a very high
   probability. Use in both of these places show a very significant
   performance gain but not yet fully quantified.

   The final patch will include documentation and a guide to evaluate and
   assess the use of CPU cache prefetch instructions in the kernel.

  Open tasks:

    1. Need funding, see "Fundraising - TCP & IP Routing Optimization".



   Contact: Several <>

   Currently trying to restart bits of the project. Cleaning up the p4
   branch. Recently more people have volunteered to help as well. Brooks
   Davis has completed removing the ifnet from the softc.

  Open tasks:

    1. See the web page.

EuroBSDCon 2005 - Basel


   Contact: Information <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The fourth European BSD conference in Basel, Switzerland is a great
   opportunity to present new ideas to the community and to meet some of
   the developers behind the different BSDs.

   The two day conference program (Nov 26 and 27) will be complemented by
   a tutorial day preceeding the conference (Nov 25).

   The program committee is looking for tutorial and paper submissions.
   For details, please see: The call for papers online.

FreeBSD Security Officer and Security Team


   Contact: Security Officer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Security Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   In May 2005, Remko Lodder joined the FreeBSD Security Team, followed
   by Christian S.J. Peron in July 2005. In the same time period, Gregory
   Shapiro and Josef El-Rayes resigned from the team in order to devote
   their time to other projects. The current Security Team membership is
   published on the web site.

   In the time since the last FreeBSD status report, twelve security
   advisories have been issued concerning problems in the base system of
   FreeBSD; of these, six problems were in "contributed" code, while five
   problems were in code maintained within FreeBSD. The Vulnerabilities
   and Exposures Markup Language (VuXML) document has continued to be
   updated by the Security Team and the Ports Committers documenting new
   vulnerabilities in the FreeBSD Ports Collection; since the last status
   report, 97 new entries have been added, bringing the total up to 519.

   The following FreeBSD releases are supported by the FreeBSD Security
   Team: FreeBSD 4.10, FreeBSD 4.11, FreeBSD 5.3, and FreeBSD 5.4. Their
   respective End of Life dates are listed on the web site.

FreeBSD Summer of Code


   Contact: Summer of Code Mentors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Google has generously funded 18 students to spend the summer working
   on FreeBSD related projects. Each student is working with one or more
   mentors to learn about how open source software development is done
   with FreeBSD. This development work is happening in the Perforce
   repository as //depot/projects/soc2005. This tree will soon be
   exported via CVSup -- check the Wiki for more information.

FreeBSD website improvements

   Contact: Emily Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   As part of the Google Summer of Code, I'm working on improvements to
   the FreeBSD website (including a proposed website redesign). My mentor
   for this project is Murray Stokely.

FreeSBIE toolkit integration


   Contact: Dario Freni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   My Summer of Code project is reengineering and rewrite of FreeSBIE
   toolkit, in order to include it in the source tree. Let's call it
   FreeSBIE 2

   Before being accepted, I worked hard on the FreeSBIE 1 toolkit to make
   it more flexible. It now supports amd64 and powerpc architecture. The
   built filesystem can now boot from almost every media, from dvd to
   compact flash or hard disk. Also on i386 is possible to include the
   BSD Installer on the livefs. We've received reports that our toolkit
   is successfully used for install cd of pfSense and PC-BSD projects.

   My future goals are to make the toolkit even more flexible, capable to
   build embedded images (like nanoBSD) or big Live-DVD systems,
   depending on user's choice, to support all the architectures supported
   by FreeBSD and to write a set of tools for making a netboot server
   with a FreeSBIE image.



   Contact: Dan Langille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The following new features have been added to FreshPorts:
     * Deprecated Ports
     * Expired Ports
     * Ports Set To Expire
     * Display relevent entries from ports/UPDATING on your watch list

  Open tasks:

    1. I've noticed that FreshPorts is incorrectly reporting
       vulnerabilities under a ver y specific situation . The fix is
       sitting in BETA, waiting to be moved to production.
    2. I've been working on added Last-Modified to the headers. At
       present, there are none. Most of the pages on the BETA website
       have been completed. I need to move this to production soon.
    3. Customized news feeds are in the works. You'll be able to create a
       news feed for each of your watch lists This work is contingent
       upon finishing the Last-Modified headers.

Fundraising - TCP & IP Routing Optimization


   Contact: Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The TCP code in FreeBSD has evolved significantly since the fork from
   4.4BSD-Lite2 in 1994 primarily due to new features and refinements of
   the TCP specifications.

   The TCP code now needs a general overhaul, streamlining and cleanup to
   make it easily comprehensible, maintainable and extensible again. In
   addition there are many little optimizations that can be done during
   such an operation, propelling FreeBSD back at the top of the best
   performing TCP/IP stacks again, a position it has held for the longest
   time in the 90's.

   This overhaul is a very involved and delicate matter and needs
   extensive formal and actual testing to ensure no regressions compared
   to the current code. The effort needed for this work is about three
   man-month of fully focused and dedicated time. To get it done I need
   funding to take time off my day job and to dedicate me to FreeBSD work
   much the way PHK did with his buffer cache and vnode rework projects.

   I've got the opportunity to work up to three man-month exclusively
   full-time on FreeBSD during the second half of 2005. That means up to
   720 hours of full-steam coding (at 60 hours/week)! I will work as much
   time as the fundraise provides.

   I need to raise enough money for each month from donations from the
   FreeBSD community to cover my fixed cost of living, office and
   associated overhead. These fixed cost amount to US$6,300/month
   (EUR5,200 or CHF8,000). Yes, Switzerland is not the cheapest place to
   live. :)

   A detailed description of the tasks involved and the code I will write
   is on my FreeBSD website; Follow the link above.

  Open tasks:

    1. Raise enough money to get all the almost finished TCP and IP code
       into the tree.

GEOM Gate rewrite


   Contact: Pawel Jakub Dawidek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   GGATE is a machinism for exporting storage devices over the network.
   It was reimplemented to be much faster and to handle network failures
   better. The ggatec uses two threads now: sendtd, which takes I/O
   request from the kernel and sends it to ggated; recvtd, which receives
   finished requests and forwards them to the kernel. The ggated uses
   three threads: recvtd, which receives I/O requests from ggatec;
   disktd, which executes I/O requests (reads or writes data); sendtd,
   which sends finished requests to ggatec. The new ggate has been
   committed to 6.x.

   The work was sponsored by Wheel Sp. z o.o.



   Contact: Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The schedule (as stated on the wiki page) is honoured, which means
   that the development has started, but there's not enough code for
   testing. Many details have been thought-out and the development is

gvinum 'move', 'rename'


   Contact: Chris Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   With the releases of FreeBSD 5.3 and 5.4, FreeBSD has been moving away
   from "old-style" vinum towards GEOM-enabled gvinum for logical volume
   management. While gvinum is a mostly feature-complete replacement for
   vinum, it does not implement the 'move' or 'rename' verbs which are
   rather useful when reorganizing one's volume layout, the alternative
   being a tedious process of deleting and recreating subdisks, plexes,
   or volumes. Additionally, gvinum is nearly completely undocumented,
   which contributes to the perception of gvinum as an unfinished

   I'm working on implementing 'move' (being able to move a subdisk from
   one drive to another) and 'rename' (being able to rename an subdisk,
   plex, volume, or drive), as well as on documentation for gvinum.

   So far, I've come up with a plan of attack with le@ and phk@, and
   implemented the bulk of the userland code for gvinum 'move' and
   'rename'. Still to come are the kernel-side code and documentation.

  Open tasks:

    1. 'move' and 'rename' userland implementation
    2. 'move' and 'rename' kernel-side implementation
    3. Outline new handbook section and man page
    4. Implement new handbook section and man page


   Contact: Andrew Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   This was committed to current on 5 Jun 2005 and will first appear in
   the 6.0 release, thanks to everyone who tested. Recent improvements
     * IPFW layer2 filtering
     * DUMMYNET support
     * IP header alignment checking

   There is ongoing work to bring in some of the advanced features from
   OpenBSD such as IPSec bridging. People are encouraged to use if_bridge
   and report any problems to the mailing lists.

Improve libalias


   Contact: Paolo Pisati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   My SoC project is about improving libalias and integrating it with
   ipfw2, adding nat support into the firewall. Till now i ported
   libalias (as a kld) and ng_nat to 4.x and 5.x branches, and i've
   already a first working patchset that adds 'nat' action into ipfw.
   Next step will be to add a complete syntax to ipfw that will let us
   manipulate libalias operations, much like we already do with queue and
   pipes for dummynet. In the end the entire work will compile and work
   out of the box for 4.x, 5.x and 6.x. More details about the project
   and its status are available on wiki page.

Integrate the BSD Installer into FreeBSD


   Contact: Andrew Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Progress towards integrating the BSD Installer for Google's Summer of
   Code is coming along nicely. The installation CD will boot to
   multi-user mode and run both the front and back ends. It can then
   partition a hard drive, install the base distribution and make the
   disk bootable.

  Open tasks:

    1. Test in non-i386
    2. Investigate installing from other media
    3. Many more tasks

IPv6 Support for IPFW

   Contact: Max Laier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Brooks Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   At the developer summit before BSDCan it was decided to remove IP6FW
   from the tree as it has a couple of problems. The most pressing one is
   the lack of synchronization and thus the need for debug.mpsafenet=0.
   As a replacement Brooks Davis has imported patches to teach the
   existing and well-locked IPFW2 code about IPv6.

   Since the initial import I have added some features required to manage
   IPv4 and IPv6 in a single ruleset. I have also extended existing
   opcodes to work with IPv6. There are, however, still some opcodes that
   do not work with IPv6 and most of the more exotic ones haven't been
   tested. As long as IPFW2+v6 does not provide enough functionality and
   stability to work as a drop-in replacement for IP6FW, we won't remove

   In order to get the new code to that point we really need more testers
   with real world IPv6 deployment and interest in IPFW+v6. The lack
   thereof (I haven't received a single answer on my requests to various
   FreeBSD mailing lists) has made it hard to progress.

  Open tasks:

    1. Properly implement O_REJECT for IPv6
    2. Maybe implement O_LOG
    3. Test new(er) IPFW2 opcodes with IPv6
    4. Test
    5. Test
    6. Test

launchd(8) for FreeBSD


   Contact: R. Tyler Ballance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   So far progress has been slow, the autoconf build system has been
   removed from all of the launchd(8) code, and launchctl(1) is building
   and semi-functional on FreeBSD-CURRENT (i.e. CoreFoundation hooks have
   been removed)

   I'm currently working on porting "liblaunch" which is the core backend
   to both launchd(8) (the actual daemon) and launchctl(1), there are
   some mach/xnu specific hooks and calls that need to be remove and
   either reimplemented or worked around.

   We're also waiting on a response from Apple on a possible BSD-licensed
   version of the code (it's currently under the APSL) Progress is slow,
   but steady.

libmemstat(3), UMA(9) and malloc(9) statistics


   Contact: Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   libmemstat(3) provides a user space library API to monitor kernel
   memory allocators, currently uma(9) and malloc(9), with the following
     * ABI-robust interface making use of accessor functions, in order to
       divorce monitoring applications from kernel/user ABI changes.
     * Allocator-independent interfaces, allowing monitoring of multiple
       allocators using the same interface.
     * CPU-cache awareness, allowing tracking of memory use across
       multiple CPUs for allocators aware of caches. Unlike previous
       interfaces, libmemstat(3) coalesces per-CPU stats in user space
       rather than kernel, and exposes per-CPU stats to interested
     * Ability to track memory types over multiple queries, and update
       existing structures, allowing easy tracking of statistics over

   libmemstat(3) and the the appropriate allocator changes for uma(9) and
   malloc(9) are currently in HEAD (7-CURRENT), and MFC has been approved
   to RELENG_6 for inclusion in 6.0-RELEASE. These changes may also be
   backported to 5.x.

   Sample applications include memstat(8), an allocator-independent
   statistics viewing tool, memtop(8), which provides a top(1)-like
   interface for monitoring kernel memory use and active memory types.
   None of these are "pretty".

   netstat -mb has also been updated to use libmemstat(3) to track
   network memory use using uma(9), rather than the less reliable mbuf
   allocator statistics interface. As a result, the statistics are now
   more reliable on SMP systems (this corrects the bug in which mbuf
   statistics sometimes "leaked", even though memory didn't), and more
   informative (cache information is now displayed, as well as mbuf tag

  Open tasks:

    1. Teach libmemstat(3) to speak libkvm(3) in order to allow tools
       linked -lmemstat to interogate kernel core dumps.
    2. Teach libmemstat(3) to interface with user space malloc and track
       malloc allocations for user space applications.
    3. Update vmstat(8) -m and -z implementations to use libmemstat(3)
       instead of the old monitoring interfaces. Code to do this exists
       in the sample libmemstat(3) applications.
    4. Identify how to make streams or the library endian-aware so that
       streams dumped from a kernel of alternative endian could be
       processed using libmemstat(3) on another system.
    5. Identify any remaining caching allocators in the kernel, such as
       the sfbuf allocator, and teach libmemstat(3) how to interface with

Low-overhead performance monitoring for FreeBSD


   Contact: Joseph Koshy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Modern CPUs have on-chip performance monitoring counters (PMCs) that
   may be used to count low-level hardware events like instruction
   retirals, branch mispredictions, and cache misses. PMC architectures
   and capabilities vary between CPU vendors and between CPU generations
   from the same vendor, making the creation of portable applications
   difficult. This project implements a cross-platform PMC management API
   for applications, and implements the infrastructure to "virtualize"
   and manage these PMCs. The creation of performance analysis tools that
   use this infrastructure is also part of the project's goals.

   Work since the last status report:
     * Sampling mode support for P4 and AMD64 PMCs has been implemented.
     * A pmclog(3) API for parsing hwpmc(4) log files has been added.
     * A number of bugs in libpmc(3), hwpmc(4) and pmcstat(8) have been

   Future work:
     * Creating user documentation showing a few real-world uses of the
       currently available tools.
     * Testing, improving the stability of the code, and characterizing
       its overheads.
     * Implementing P5 PMC support.

Move ARP out of routing table


   Contact: Qing Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   I've sent the patch to [EMAIL PROTECTED] @KAME for review.
   I'm still waiting for feedback from Andre. There hasn't been any major
   change since the last report. I've kept the code in sync with CURRENT.
   Gleb has created a separate P4 branch and has been helping out on the
   locking side. Gleb is also helping out on the testing front.

  Open tasks:

    1. I'm waiting for review feedback from my mentor Andre on the
       overall design and code. I'm waiting for feedback from Andre on
       Gleb's suggested modification.

Network Interface API Cleanup


   Contact: Anders Persson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The goal of this project is to review the network interface API and
   try to remove references to kernel-only data structures by removing
   the use of libkvm and instead rely on other interfaces to provide
   information. If there are no adequate interfaces, they would be

   Currently netstat is being reviewed and parts of it have been modified
   to use sysctl rather than libkvm to provide the information.

   A big thank you to Brooks Davis for mentoring :-)

Nsswitch / Caching daemon


   Contact: Michael Bushkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The nsswitch / caching daemon project is being developed within the
   Google's Summer Of Code program. The first goal of this project is to
   implement a set of patches to extend the use of nsswitch subsystem.
   The second goal is the development of the caching library and daemon
   to add the caching ability to the nsswitch.

   Currently services, protocols, rpc and openssh patches are finished.
   Support for services, services_compat, rpc, protocols, and
   ssh_host_keys databases is added with 'files', 'nis' and 'compat' (for
   services) sources possible. The nsswitch-friendly openssh port is
   amlost completed.

  Open tasks:

    1. Implement set of patches to make nsswitch support globus grid
       security files , MAC and audit related configuration files
    2. Implement the caching library and the caching daemon and patch
       nsdispatch function to support caching.

OpenBSD dhclient import.

   Contact: Brooks Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The OpenBSD rewrite of dhclient has been imported, replacing the ISC
   dhclient. The OpenBSD client provides better support for roaming on
   wireless networks and a simpler model of operation. Instead of a
   single dhclient process per system, there is on per network interface.
   This instance automatically goes away in the even of link loss and is
   restarted via devd when link is reacquired. To support this change,
   many aspects of the network interface configuration process were

   The current code works well in most circumstances, but more testing
   and polishing is needed.

OpenBSD packet filter - pf

   Contact: Max Laier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   We will have pf as of OpenBSD 3.7 for RELENG_6. Import has been
   completed in early May and FreeBSD release 6.0 will ship with it.

   A few serious issues with pfsync on SMP have been discovered since
   CARP is around and more and more people use it on big iron. Everything
   that has been discovered is fixed in HEAD and (if applicable) MFCed
   back to RELENG_5. Some functional changes are undergoing testing right
   now and will be MFCed in the coming days.

   With the import of if_bridge from Net/OpenBSD we finally have a bridge
   implementation that allows for stateful filtering as well as IPv6
   filtering. Please see the respective report.

  Open tasks:

    1. Shared lock implementation?

Porting v9 of Intels C/C++ Compiler

   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Intel released version 9 of its C/C++ compiler. Work to port the x86
   version to FreeBSD is in progress as time permits. Porting the EM64T
   (amd64) version is on the TODO list too, but is subject to enough free
   time and access to appropriate hardware.

PowerPC Port


   Contact: Peter Grehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Florent Thoumie has updated the massively out-of-date platform page.
   Work continues to creating a 6.0 release of the PowerPC port.

Removable interface improvements


   Contact: Brooks Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   This project is an attempt to clean up handling of network interfaces
   in order to allow interfaces to be removed reliably. Current problems
   include panics if Dummynet is delaying packets to an interface when it
   is removed.

   I have removed struct ifnet's and layer two common structures from
   device driver structures. This will eventually allow them to be
   managed properly upon device removal. This code has been committed and
   will appear in 6.0. Popular drivers have generally been fixed, but
   more testing is needed.

Removing of old basesystem files and directories


   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   FreeBSD lacks a way to remove old/outdated files and directories in
   the basesystem. I have a patch which removes obsolete files in a safe
   way (interactively, since only the administrator really knows if
   there's a need to keed an old file or not; there's a switch for
   batch-processing). This feature may or may not be available for
   6.0-RELEASE, depending on the decission from the Release Engineering

  Open tasks:

    1. Respect the NO_* switches and remove those files too. This is easy
       to do with the current implementation, but isn't needed to commit
       the removal of obsolete files feature.



   Contact: Yanjun Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    1. Setup a local P4 workspace of sebsd source and Setup lxr for
       TrustedBSD source for studying source code.
    2. Test a simple policy configuration for vsftpd.
    3. Writing a HOWTO document Getting Started with SEBSD HOWTO by
       deriving the existing Getting Started with SELinux HOWTO .

   Thanks Robert Watson and Scott Long for their kind help.

  Open tasks:

    1. When writing the document, try to figure out the sebsd userland
       utils that need to be ported.
    2. Test and edit more policies for BSD environment.

SMP Network Stack


   Contact: Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Significant work has occurred over the last few months relating to the
   SMP network stack work. A few of the highlights are covered here at a
   high level:
     * The UMA(9) per-CPU caches have been modified to use critical
       sections instead of mutexes. Recent critical section optimizations
       make this a performance win for both UP and SMP systems. This
       results in a several percent improvement in a number of user space
       benchmarks, and larger improvement for kernel-only network
       forwarding and processing benchmarks.
     * The malloc(9) allocator has been modified to store statistics
       per-CPU instead of using a cross-CPU statistics pool, with each
       per-CPU pool now using critical sections to synchronize access.
       This results in a measurable performance win, especially on SMP
     * The netnatm ATM code is now MPSAFE.
     * netipx MPSAFEty has been merged to RELENG_5.
     * The netperf cluster has now been expanded to include two
       additional quad-CPU systems (one dual dual-core AMD system, one
       quad-CPU PIII system).
     * libmemsetat(3) (see separate report) now corrects SMP-related
       races in the measuring of mbuf allocator statistics, as well as
       substantially improving kernel memory monitoring capabilities and
     * A range of locking bug fixes, and general network stack bug fixes.
     * Significant updates to the SMPng web page (still more to do!).
     * Identification of all non-MPSAFE network device drivers, with
       ultimatum issued, on freebsd-arch. Quite a bit of new driver
       locking work as a result (if_ed, if_de, ...).
     * Lots of other stuff.

   In most cases, these changes will appear in FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE; some
   have been, or will be, merged to FreeBSD 5.x.

   On-going tasks include:
     * Review and improvement of ifnet locking, such as address lists and
     * Optimization of interface start hand-off.
     * Prototyping of queue-oriented packet hand-off in the stack.
     * Performance measurement and analysis.
     * Prototype rewrite and simplification of socket locking.

TCP Reassembly Rewrite and Optimization


   Contact: Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Currently TCP segment reassembly is implemented as a linked list of
   segments. With today's high bandwidth links and large bandwidth*delay
   products this doesn't scale and perform well.

   The rewrite optimizes a large number of operational aspects of the
   segments reassembly process. For example it is very likely that the
   just arrived segment attaches to the end of the reassembly queue, so
   we check that first. Second we check if it is the missing segment or
   alternatively attaches to the start of the reassembly queue. Third
   consecutive segments are merged together (logically) and are skipped
   over in one jump for linear searches instead of each segment at a

   Further optimizations prototyped merge consecutive segments on the
   mbuf level instead of only logically. This is expected to give another
   significant performance gain. The new reassembly queue is tracking all
   holes in the queue and it may be beneficial to integrate this with the
   scratch pad of SACK in the future.

   Andrew Gallatin was able to get 3.7Gb/sec TCP performance on
   dual-2Gbit Myrinet cards with severe packet reordering (due to a
   firmware bug) with the new TCP reassembly code. See second link.

  Open tasks:

    1. Need funding, see "Fundraising - TCP & IP Routing Optimization".

The FreeBSD Dutch Documentation Project


   Contact: Remko Lodder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Siebrand Mazeland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Rene Ladan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The FreeBSD Dutch Documentation Project is a ongoing project in
   translating the english documentation to the Dutch language. Currently
   we are almost done with the FreeBSD Handbook. Finishing the Handbook
   is our first priority, and we could use your help. Please contact
   Siebrand or myself if you want to helpout. After the handbook we will
   focus on other documents as well, so feel free to help us there as

  Open tasks:

    1. FreeBSD Handbook translation. Finish the translation from English
       to Dutch
    2. FreeBSD Handbook review. Finish the review of the translated
    3. FreeBSD Articles. Start translating the articles from English to
       the Dutch Language
    4. FreeBSD www. Start translating the website from English to the
       Dutch Language
    5. The rest of the FreeBSD Documents. Start translating them from
       English to the Dutch Language.

TODO list for volunteers

   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Since Google's "Summer of Code" resulted in a lot of interest in open
   projects, I'm in the process of compiling a list of nice projects for
   volunteers. Unlike Google's SoC those projects aren't backed with
   money (but this doesn't means nobody is allowed to sponsor one of
   those projects), so we can only guarantee the social aspects (some
   "Thank you!" and "That's great!" messages). So far the list has
   several entries where the difficulty ranges from "someone just has to
   sit down and spend some time on it" up to "we need a guru for this".

  Open tasks:

    1. Merging untaken entries from the SoC list as soon as the official
       participants/tasks in the SoC are announced.
    2. Sending the document to some doc people for review.
    3. Commit the list.

Transparent support for superpages in the FreeBSD Kernel

   Contact: Alan L. Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Olivier Crameri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   We are currently working on an updated implementation of Juan
   Navarro's transparent support for superpages in FreeBSD

   The idea is to take advantage of the architectural support for big
   memory pages (superpages) by using a reservation mechanism allowing us
   to transparently promote groups of base pages into superpages and
   demote superpages into several smaller superpages or base pages.

   The advantage of using superpages vs. base pages is to significantly
   improve the TLB coverage of the physical memory, thus improving the
   peformance by reducing the number of TLB misses.

   The modification of the FreeBSD kernel that we are working on involves
   the replacement of the current list based page allocation mechanism
   with a system using a buddy allocator to reserve groups of pages for a
   memory object. The promotion and demotion of the pages occur directly
   within the pmap module.

   The former implementation was supporting the alpha and IA64
   architectures. We are adding the support for amd64. We currently have
   an almost complete implementation. Once completed we will make a
   performance study with a particular emphasis on TLB and cache misses.

TrustedBSD Audit


   Contact: Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Wayne Salamon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   In the past few months, significant work has been done relating to the
   TrustedBSD audit implementation, including preparatory work to merge
   audit into the FreeBSD CVS repository for FreeBSD 6.x. In particular:
     * The user space components, such as libbsm, include files, and
       command line utilities have been broken out into an OpenBSM
       distribution in Perforce. Improvements in OpenBSM will be made
       available separately for use by projects such as Darwin, and
       imported into the contrib area of FreeBSD.
     * The system call table format has been updated to include an audit
       event identifier for each system call across all hardware
       platforms and ABIs (merged), and all system calls have been
       assigned event identifiers (not yet merged).
     * The audit management daemon has been rewritten to run on FreeBSD
       (originally derived from Darwin) using /dev/audit to track kernel
     * Many system calls now properly audit their arguments.
     * The TrustedBSD audit3 branch has been updated to a recent
     * Significant work has gone into synchronizing the audit event
       tables between FreeBSD, Darwin, and OpenSolaris to make sure file
       formats and events are portable.
     * OpenBSM has been adapted to consume and generate
       endian-independent event streams.
     * OpenBSM documentation has been created.

   The hope is still to provide audit as "experimental" in 6.0; the
   primary blocking factor is our awaiting relicensing of the last
   remaining audit files from Apple's APSL license to BSDL so that they
   can be included in the FreeBSD kernel. This is anticipated to complete
   in the near future. Once this is done, the changes can be merged to
   CVS, and then MFC'd to RELENG_6. If this is not complete by
   6.0-RELEASE, the work will be merged shortly after the release, as all
   ABI-sensitive data structures have been updated as needed.



   Contact: Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The TrustedBSD Project has released a new snapshot of "SEBSD", a port
   of NSA's SELinux FLASK and Type Enforcement implementation to FreeBSD
   based on a late 2005 FreeBSD 6.x snapshot. The SEBSD distribution has
   now been updated in Perforce to a recent 6.x snapshot, and a new
   distribution will be made available in the near future.

   Work has been performed to merge additional dependencies for SEBSD
   back into the base FreeBSD tree, including most recently, changes to
   devfs, and System V and POSIX IPC.

  Open tasks:

    1. Update to new NSA FLASK implementation, which has improved MLS
    2. Merge remaining kernel changes to support SEBSD back to the base
       FreeBSD CVS repository, including file descriptor labeling and
       access control (in contrast to file labeling and access control),
       and categorization of kernel privileges.

TTCPv2: Transactional TCP version 2


   Contact: Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The old TTCP according to RFC1644 was insecure, intrusive, complicated
   and has been removed from FreeBSD >= 5.3. Although the idea and
   semantics behind it are still sound and valid.

   The rewrite uses a much easier and more secure system with 24bit long
   client and server cookies which are transported in the TCP options.
   Client cookies protect against various kinds of blind injection
   attacks and can be used as well to generally secure TCP sessions (for
   BGP for example). Server cookies are only exchanged during the
   SYN-SYN/ACK phase and allow a server to ensure that it has
   communicated with this particular client before. The first connection
   is always performing a 3WHS and assigning a server cookie to a client.
   Subsequent connections can send the cookie back to the server and
   short-cut the 3WHS to SYN->OPEN on the server.

   TTCPv2 is fully configurable per-socket via the setsockopt() system
   call. Clients and server not capable of TTCPv2 remain fully compatible
   and just continue using the normal 3WHS without any delay or other

   Work on implementing TTCPv2 is done to 90% and expected to be
   available by early February 2005. Writing the implementation
   specification (RFC Draft) has just started.

  Open tasks:

    1. Need funding, see "Fundraising - TCP & IP Routing Optimization".

UFSJ -- Journaling for UFS

   Contact: Brian Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Scott Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   filesystem. Journaling helps ensure the filesystem's integrity should
   the system crash. Journaling eliminates the need for fsck'ing a
   filesystem, as the filesystem is never in an inconsistent state
   (barring hardware failure). This implementation is inspired by
   Darwin's HFS+ filesystem and the SGI XFS filesystem. This is a Summer
   of Code project, with Scott Long as the mentor and Brian Wilson as the
   developer/mentee. Currently this project is still in the early stages,
   but will be in a usable state by September 1 (the Google Summer of
   Code completion date).

  Open tasks:

    1. Finish making the file system log metadata updates.
    2. Add facilities to replay the log on dirty file systems.
    3. Make snapshots work with journaling.

Update of the Linux userland infrastructure

   Contact: Alexander Leidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Emulation Mailinglist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The cleanup/streamlining and the possibility of overriding the default
   Linux base as reported in the last report happened without major
   problems. Work on the open tasks hasn't started yet, but is scheduled
   to start "soon". If a volunteer wants to spend some hours on one of
   the open tasks, he should tell it on the emulation mailinglist.

  Open tasks:

    1. Refactoring the common RPM code in x11-toolkits/linux-gtk/Makefile
    2. Determining which up-to-date Linux distribution to use as the next
       default Linux base. Important criteria:
          + RPM based (to be able to use the existing infrastructure)
          + good track record regarding availability of security fixes
          + packages available from several mirror sites
          + available for several hardware architectures (e.g. i386,
            amd64, sparc64; Note: not all architectures have a working
            linuxolator for their native bit with, but as long as there
            are no userland bits available, no motivation regarding
            writing the kernel bits will arise)
    3. Moving the linuxolator userland to an up-to-date version (see


   Contact: Jeff Roberson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   FreeBSD's VFS layer has been fine grain locked along with the FFS
   filesystem for the FreeBSD 6.0 release. The locking has been underway
   for several years, with the project really picking up over the last 6
   months thanks largely to sponsorship provided by Isilon Systems, Inc.
   a leading vendor of clustered storage systems. The project has entered
   a stabilization phase, with a few bugs being reported in extreme
   circumstances while the majority of users have seen no problems. Tests
   on a 8 and 16 way machines yield reasonable parallelization, however,
   it will be beneficial to do lock contention analysis once things are
   fully stable.

   For those interested in technical details, there have been a few
   relatively significant changes with vnode life-cycle management. Vnode
   reference counting and recycling is now no longer an ad-hoc process
   involving a variety of flags, a use count and the hold count. A single
   hold count is used to track all vnode references and a destroyed vnode
   is freed in the context of the caller when the last ref is lost. The
   old system would never reclaim memory used by vnodes and also had
   pathlogical behavior with unreferenced vnode caching under pressure.
   The new system is much simpler than the old one, however, callers are
   now required to vhold a vnode that they lock directly without going
   through vget to prevent it from being recycled while they are waiting
   on a lock. Relying on 'location stable storage', which is a more
   strict version of 'type stable storage' is no longer a valid approach.

   Some other side effects include a much simpler and faster nullfs
   implementation, an improved buf daemon flushing algorithm which
   eliminated high latency that caused audio skipping, and a lots of
   minor cleanups and debugging aids.

Wireless Networking Support

   Contact: Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   A lot of bugs were fixed in preparation for the 6.0 release. 6.0 will
   be the first release to include full WPA support (both supplicant and

   A presentation on the forthcoming multi-bss support was given at
   BSDCan 2005. The slides from the talk are available at . The plan is to commit
   this work to HEAD after 6.0 is released which means the first release
   that will have it is 7.0.

  Open tasks:

    1. hostapd needs work to support the IAPP and 802.11i
       preauthentication protocols (these are simple conversions of
       existing Linux code).

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