Vladimir Terziev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>     i'm sure most of the FreeBSD users do not need kerberos for
> authnetication.

Could you give me your fortune teller crystal ball brand ?

>     If someone needs telnet+kerberos, then ok, such meta port could be
> created and this person will just need to install it, but importing
> something in the base system which is NOT commonly used is not a good
> idea, as i've already said.

More and more shops have Active Directory domains and windows boxes,
Kerberos support is something important in these shops.

So tune your system for your own use and refrain telling others how
they should work.

Éric Masson

 AB : (...) et encore on semble échapper aux betas :-,
 LF : bah peut-être qu'ils en font plus ;-)
 GG : Ils auraient embauché des types de Microsoft ?
 -+- GG in Guide du Macounet Pervers : Bah oui, gros béta ! -+-
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