On Sat, 9 Jul 2005, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:

Thanks for you answer.  In that case, which sysctl should we use ?

        * OpenBSD's kern.arnd (KERN_ARND) which is a front-end to
          the arc4random() function ?

        * NetBSD's kern.urandom (KERN_URND) which is using the rnd(4)
          pseudo-device.  They also have KERN_ARND in sysctl.h, which
          is no more than a #define of KERN_URND, for compatibility
          with OpenBSD.

Usually, I noticed that FreeBSD used to be as close as possible with
NetBSD.  But I would like to hear the voice of a more experienced
hacker about this.

Best regards,
Jeremie Le Hen

I wouldn't say that we favor code from any one project over another, every situation is different.

In this case, I'm personally rather indifferent - both RNGs should supply good entropy. Arc4 may be a bit faster (I don't know if anyone has benchmarked by how much), so for this purpose it would seem to be the one to use.

I can commit any patches you have after the 6.0 code freeze ends, which should be in the next few weeks. (It can be MFC'd to 6.0 and 5.4 after that as well.)

Mike "Silby" Silbersack
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