Hello all...
 Has anyone a mobile phone (motorola v300?), in the 
FreeBSD environment? There are some apps like:
kmobiletools, kandy, moto4lin, that just need a 
modem interface to contact to the cell phone and
sync (contacts, meetings...). But i don't know 
if FreeBSD have these 'specs' implemented (USB CDC ACM).
 Maybe the umodem can handle the mobiles's modem. 
 So, i just want to know if someone have a mobile phone 
working, and with which configurations?

"I believe i need  every  ship we have if we're going
to survive this  attack.  Then why did you allow  the
Nebuchadnezzar to leave"?
                        (Commander Lock)
"Because i believe our survival dependes on more than
how many ships we have".
                        (Councillor Hamann)

                - Matrix Reloaded - 
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