On Tue, 31 May 2005, shiner chen wrote:

In order to test the process of connection of socket in kernel ,I wrote a kld . When i load the kld ,the code try to connect the server of ftp,but i foud the code does not work right . the function , connect ,which return is right ,but ,when i see the status of connection by "netstat -a" , i found the connection didn't establish! the detailed code is attached the following code have mistake!! The platform is freebsd 5.3

 /* create socket */

sock.domain = AF_INET;
sock.type = SOCK_STREAM;
sock.protocol = 0;
st = socket(td, &sock);
/* does create ok? */
if( st != 0 )
{ /* create error */
 log(LOG_DEBUG,"create socket error!\n");
 goto main_shutdown;
 printf("the fd of socket is%d\n",control_fd);

How do you initialize the value of "control_fd"? You need to load it out of td->td_reval[0].

What thread is this running in?

/* has create one ok socket */
printf("the socket is created!");
there are some mistake here!!!!
bzero(&sa_in, sizeof sa_in);
sa_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
/*this is port of ftp*/
      sa_in.sin_port = htons(21);
      /*this is my computer ip:*/
      sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl((((((172 << 8) | 19) << 8) | 11) << 8) | 

      conn.s=control_fd ;
      conn.name=(char*) &sa_in;
       /*why do not i connect the server of ftp*/

      if (!nError){

Shouldn't you check for "nError != 0" here? If this is the real code, it's probably the case that you're getting EBADF back because you didn't set control_fd to the real file descriptor number.

Robert N M Watson

       printf("connect failed!");
       goto main_shutdown;
      } ;
     printf("connect is secusess!");

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