On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 12:02, Gerald Heinig wrote:
> Stephan Uphoff wrote:
> > Once I linked in dcons, dcons_crom and firewire into the kernel
> > everything worked. (I think only dcons is really needed - maybe a link
> > set issue?)
> > I only used the gdb stub method.
> > 
> > Can you send me your dmesg? (After you linked the dcons stuff into the
> > kernel)
> Another thing: what system are you on? -current?
> I'm using 5.3-RELEASE and I've noticed that a lot of the commands and 
> responses in the HowTo are different to my system.
> Could that be the problem?
> Cheers,
> Gerald

OK - I finally managed to try this on a newly installed 5.3-RELEASE.

I copied the GENERIC config file (to GENERIC.debug) and added a few

 diff -u GENERIC GENERIC.debug
--- GENERIC     Sun Oct 24 14:02:52 2004
+++ GENERIC.debug       Mon Feb 14 03:15:21 2005
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@
 cpu            I686_CPU
 ident          GENERIC
+makeoptions     DEBUG=-g                # Build kernel with gdb(1)
debug symbols
+options         KDB                     # Enable kernel debugger
+options         DDB                     # Support DDB.
+options         GDB                     # Support remote GDB.
+options         ALT_BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER
+device dcons
+device dcons_crom
 # To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
 #hints         "GENERIC.hints"         # Default places to look for

Then configured/compiled/installed the GENERIC.debug kernel.
Copied the kernel.debug file in the GENERIC.debug compile directory to
the debug station and rebooted the target machine.

After reboot I set the default debugger to gdb

        target# sysctl -w debug.kdb.current=gdb
and entered the debugger
        target# sysctl -w debug.kdb.enter=1

On the debugging station I entered
        debug 1# dconschat -br -G 5555 -t <firewire address of target>

and then in another window
        debug 2#   kgdb -r :5555 kernel.debug

And it just worked for me.
I have to admit that my debugging machine is not 5.3 .. but I believe I
used the same setup with pre 5.3 userland before.

Let me know if you can repeat my steps.
If not then I can set up a 5.3 debugging station in the next days.


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