On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 08:17:39PM +1100, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-Dec-18 02:03:09 -0500, Gary Corcoran wrote:
> >  I suppose it
> >is possible these errors may have shown up more than a week or
> >two ago, because my windows machines, reaching them via samba,
> >haven't shown any problems until today, and of course with almost
> >750GB of data, it's not all accessed over a short time span.
> My approach to this is to add a line similar to 
>   dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/dev/null bs=32k
> for each disk into /etc/daily.local (or /etc/weekly.local or whatever).
> This ensures that the disks are readable on a regular basis.

Regular reading of every file is part of what I call backup.

B.Walter                   BWCT                http://www.bwct.de
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