How about some form of streamlined video input support?

I realize Linux's v4l model doesn't fit too well here, but what
they have done there provides support for all sorts of common video
devices, and makes them all available to pretty much any program that
wants video input.

FreeBSD is far behind in this area.


On Dec 01, 15:02, Scott Long wrote:
> All,
> I know that I said last month that we were going to stop promising
> specific features for the next major release.  However, I'd like to
> throw out a list of things that would be really nice to have in the
> future, whether its 6.0 or 7.0 or whatever.  Most of these tasks are
> not trivial, but I hope that talking about them will encourage some
> interest.  These are in no particular priority order.  I'd also be
> thrilled if someone wanted to dress this list up in docbook and add
> it to the webpage.  While this is just my personal list, I'd welcome
> other additions to it (in the sense of significant projects, not just
> individual PRs or bug fixes that one might be interested in).
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