On Thursday 01 July 2004 10:12 pm, Jiafu He wrote:
> Hi, folks,
> Rel 5.2.1 can't be installed on my machine due to APIC problems. The error
> message is like "ata0-master: FAILURE - ATA_IDENTIFY no interrupt". It is a
> Soyo motherboard "SY-P4VGA" with VIA VT-8235 south bridge.
> Debugging results using DDB ("show intrcnt") show no interrupts ever occur.
> Disable the APIC feature on BIOS, then the disk is detected and everything
> works fine. Installing release 5.1 and 4.10 both work perfect. So I guess
> there must be problems with the APIC or IO APIC initialization code in
> release 5.2.1.

Do you have a dmesg output with APIC enabled?

John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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