On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 02:43:03PM +0300, Danny Braniss wrote:
> I understand, but the problem is that all access via amd are now stalled, till
> the one process failes/times-out. I guess it's because the single thread amd.

This is an excellent opportunity to ask:

Is anyone working on or does anyone know of a project to develop a real
autofs implementation for BSD that's compatible with the autofs
implementations on every other UNIX?  I see where am-utils got some
'gamma quality' autofs support added for Linux and Solaris systems, but
still nada on BSD.  IMO amd has probably outlived its usefulness and
should be shot in the head and replaced with a Sun-style automounter.
It does much to discourage BSDs adoption in large multiuser environments
when it requires special cruft to make it play nicely with automounting.

[ I realize I've set myself up for 'show me the code', but my intent was
not to complain about the lack of a better automounter, merely to ask if
anyone is working on one, because if they are, I'd help. ]

Does anyone know what Apple is doing for automounting under OS X?  Are
they using amd or a Sun-style autofs implementation?  If the latter,
have they released it as open source or been approached about doing so?

Brandon D. Valentine
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           http://www.geekpunk.net
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