On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 10:39:53PM -0700, David O'Brien wrote:

> Let me introduce you to that key on your keyboard between the 'S' and 'F'
> keys.  Its the 'D' key.  Amoung its other good uses (like being used
> twice in "David") is that most MUA's use it to delete emails and threads
> you don't care to participate in.

OK, well, if we're going to carry on being generally facetious then I could 
point out you could have deleted my e-mail instead of answering it. So, 
please, don't start dictating to me about deleting e-mail instead of 
replying to it as it just makes you look very stupid.

This thread is about a small patch to ls. Note how it has generated more
traffic than any other subject on -hackers in the last 30 days. Note that
nearly all the e-mails do not contribute anything more than "I think it's a
good idea"/"I think it's a bad idea" with some vague assertions about how ls
has been 'broken' for the last 10 years with nobody really noticing much or
about adding functionality that nobody has asked for to date and risks
breaking lots of scripts that currently use ls. Now tell me this is not one
huge bikeshed THAT SHOULD DIE.
> I use -t *all* the time with I do a long listing (ie, -l).  I know I'm
> not alone in knowing the "-t" option to 'ls' exists.

Being aware of it's existence does not mean that you find the output of the
-t command to break in cases where you are dealing with hard links. Are you
saying the output is broken for you?  Are you saying that you've never been
able to work around that without a pipe to sort?

Or are you just contributing further to this thread because you think people
want to hear all about you and what you think? I have some news which may
come as a suprise to you...

Either commit the patch, or don't commit the patch. All I'm saying is that
it might now be time to stop bikeshedding. This is, quite frankly, bordering 
on the ridiculous.

Paul Robinson
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