On Fri Jun 11, 2004; 04:07PM +0200 Jens Schweikhardt propagated the following:
> I'm willing to commit this if you could demonstrate that it will not
> produce different output in the default case than it does now. Say,
> run the old an new versions against the FreeBSD src tree and make a diff
> which should vanish apart from the bug-fixing effects. If you want to
> make yourself known as a quality software engineer, do the same for
> various sets of indent options :-)


    Thanks!  I'll give it a run against a significant stack of code
today and let you know.  If anyone else is willing to test it out as
well that would be extremely helpful.

> Regards,
>       Jens
> -- 
> Jens Schweikhardt http://www.schweikhardt.net/
> SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
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