* Julian H. Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02052004 17:14]
> BTW The correct list for deep isdn issues is not hackers@ but isdn@
> (but this easy question might be happy on questions@ :-)
Hi everybody,
thank you very much for your answers concerning showing an ISDN caller's ID.
I'm using Bjoern Zeeb's approach at the moment and it works good, but I'm
still obsessed by the idea of a nifty little Gnome panel applet showing me the
phone number of a caller.
Julian, You're absolutely correct: Questions concerning the configuration and
use of ISDN belong to @questions or @isdn. BUT: The thing I actually asked
was how to communicate with a device driver (in this case: i4b's) to get the
job done with a C program.
Luckily (thanks to Gerald Heinig) I've been directed to the source code of
to see how things are done there. But I guess understanding such a complex
program as this takes a while. *sigh* :(
It seems as if my little gnome program has to wait a little...
So, thanks again for all your answers and sorry! if this was the wrong list to
post to.

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