
David Raistrick wrote on Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 08:27:56AM -0800:
> kldload snd_driver
> is of course the correct way to do it.  FWIW, kldunload snd_driver does
> /not/ unload all of the modules that kldload snd_driver loads.

snd_driver is a module that contains _all_ drivers,
thus you have the best chance to get sound working.
Unloading it, will of course unload the whole module with
all drivers. There is no way to leave one of the drivers
in the kernel.

I agree, that there is not much documentation which driver
module supports which sound device (or I was not successful 
to dig that up).

However, you can determine the correct module, by subsequently
loading and unloading each individual driver module. The one
which attached to your sound device and actually works
(check /dev/sndstat as well) is obviously the correct one.

Not a very efficient way, but it works. :)

Best regards,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock
     - kommst du siehst du, gehst du hast du, weisst du, krass! -
Daniel Lang * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * +49 89 289 18532 * http://www.leo.org/~dl/

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