
Julian Elischer wrote on Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 08:01:41PM -0800:
> Oh it was just a rant.. :-(
> > > Somewhere out there there is a ?Virus?/?Hacker?/?Spammer?
> > > getting really annoying..
> > 
> > Yeah, but what do you expect anyone to do about it?

Many people are already using digital signatures. The occurence
of massively forged senders in e-mails by spammers and viruses
could be seen as motivation to establish a more widespread use
of digital signatures. Of course it doesn't help for e-mail
that we receive (unless we complain to the sender that one would
only accept signed e-mails, which is a bit tough), but at least
one could tell anyone, who complains that one has sent a virus, to
check for the signature.

Just a thought,

P.S.: If your MUA complains about my signature, be sure to import the
      CA certificates from http://ca.in.tum.de/, just because it's not
                        in the mozilla default root-ca set, it is not a less 
trustworthy CA.
IRCnet: Mr-Spock  
   - In dieser Mail ist ein Geist, der Dich in den Hintern beisst - 
 Daniel Lang * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * +49 89 289 18532 * http://www.leo.org/~dl/

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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