On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 06:16:38PM +0000, David Malone wrote:
> > It's worth noting that ours works poorly with PXE clients.  The
> > ftp/tftp-hpa port is the one most commonly recommend for PXE
> > applications.
> I've never had any problems PXE booting FreeBSD using out tftpd,
> but I did have trouble with Linux once - the loader insisted that
> the transfer size option. Since I MFCed that a while ago, and haven't
> had any trouble since (though it would be nice if we supported the
> blocksize option). Any idea what the nature of the problems are?

FreeBSD has always just worked, at least with the default configuration
that uses NFS for most things.  I think blocksize support may be
manditory for some clients.  I think there might have been another
feature requred for some clients, but I can't remember what it was off
the top of my head.

-- Brooks

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