
is this a correct patch to get rid of the following problem :

[vmstat -is : ]
     4096 bytes per page
-1946329673 total name lookups
          cache hits (-108% pos + -3% neg) system 0% per-directory
          deletions 0%, falsehits 0%, toolong 0%

patch is against -current and output from -stable, but codebase seems
to be the same.

Thanx, arno

Index: sys/sys/namei.h
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/sys/namei.h,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -r1.40 namei.h
< 	long	ncs_goodhits;		/* hits that we can really use */
< 	long	ncs_neghits;		/* negative hits that we can use */
< 	long	ncs_badhits;		/* hits we must drop */
< 	long	ncs_falsehits;		/* hits with id mismatch */
< 	long	ncs_miss;		/* misses */
< 	long	ncs_long;		/* long names that ignore cache */
< 	long	ncs_pass2;		/* names found with passes == 2 */
< 	long	ncs_2passes;		/* number of times we attempt it */
> 	u_long	ncs_goodhits;		/* hits that we can really use */
> 	u_long	ncs_neghits;		/* negative hits that we can use */
> 	u_long	ncs_badhits;		/* hits we must drop */
> 	u_long	ncs_falsehits;		/* hits with id mismatch */
> 	u_long	ncs_miss;		/* misses */
> 	u_long	ncs_long;		/* long names that ignore cache */
> 	u_long	ncs_pass2;		/* names found with passes == 2 */
> 	u_long	ncs_2passes;		/* number of times we attempt it */
Index: usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/vmstat/vmstat.c,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -r1.79 vmstat.c
< static long	pct(long, long);
> static u_long	pct(u_long, u_long);
< static long
< pct(long top, long bot)
> static u_long
> pct(u_long top, u_long bot)
< 	long ans;
> 	u_long ans;
< 	ans = (quad_t)top * 100 / bot;
> 	ans = (u_quad_t)top * 100 / bot;
< 	long nchtotal;
> 	u_quad_t nchtotal;
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