Something for us all to smile or to celebrate!

|Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 11:16:28 +0000 (GMT)
|From: Scott Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Subject: Unix turns 0x40000000 !
|In just over 26 hours (Sun Jan 11 00:37:04 2004 GMT to be exact) UNIX
|will bust through the 111111111111111111111111111111 (binary) seconds
|barrier and celebrate it's 0x40000000 second birthday!
|This also means that we're exactly half-way between 1-Jan-1970 and
|19-Jan-2038 when 32-bit Unix will die. Time for a mid-life crisis perhaps? :)
|  Scott.
|----- End forwarded message -----
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