Alexey Dokuchaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Recently I've began to consider making some use of unionfs in
 > (semi-)production environment.  Can someone aware of its current status
 > in -STABLE comment a bit on this subject?
 > Probably any information would be appreciated.

Last time I tried, it was unusable, and from the discussions
on the lists it became apparent that it wouldn't change in

However, the union flag on standard mounts (i.e. -o union,
which can be combined with almost anything, including
loopback NFS mounts) works perfectly fine.  It doesn't
provide all of the features of UNIONFS, but it can be used
as a substitute in many common situations.  I'm using it
extensively, for example for shared read-only binaries
across jails, and I've yet to see a panic.


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
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