Hello freebsd-hackers,

  My fellow freebsd-hackers! I ran ino minor problem here. I am
currently debugging some part of FreeBSD bridging/vlan'ing kernel
code. Every N minutes I want to add some debugging printf's in kernel
or remove some previously installed. And now - a stupid question! When
I change some .c files in src/sys/net directory, do I need to do 'make
depend && make kernel' or I can just 'make kernel'? System is 4.8-p3.
Any help is very good, and please cc: me in your replies as I am not
subscribed to this list.

PS: I wish you good luck in your hacking.
PPS: I heard about 10th FreeBSD bithday - receive my congratulations,
gluckwunschen and all that!

Thanks again.

Best regards,
;  Nickolay A. Kritsky
; SysAdmin STAR Software LLC

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