Robert Watson (Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 11:18:51PM -0500) wrote:
> In the past when browsing the Linux source code, I've made extensive use
> of the Linux Cross-Reference (LXR) hosted at  This web site
> provides a cross-referenced and searchable HTML interface to the Linux
> source code; you can perform freetext and identifier searches, check
> differences between revisions, etc.  For FreeBSD, we provide a cvsweb
> interface that is extremely useful for tracking changes, but a little less
> useful for "raw browsing" when you're looking for use of an identifier. In
> the past, CMU's PDL (and possibly others) have provided FreeBSD
> cross-reference web pages, but I was unable to find one once that site
> went down.  As such, I've experimentally set up the LXR software with
> access to several branches of the FreeBSD source code, as well as 2.4 and
> 2.6 Linux kernels at: 

        Thank you very very much! ;-)

        Atlast, someone got to it.  I have been wanting to setup LXR for
        DragonFly for quite some time now, but did not have enough time
        on my hands to mess with it.  Does it require any sort of
        patching for it to work on FreeBSD ?  I recall it requires MySQL
        and some other stuff..


                -- Hiten
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