On Sat, Oct 25, 2003 at 12:55:26PM -0700, Kip Macy wrote:

> Those working in the DragonFly tree, all appreciate Hiten's hard work as a
> "bottle-washer". We've benefited from the fact that members of the FreeBSD
> community, through racist remarks and endless flames, and a key member of
> core, through the indefinite postponement of a commit-bit, have alienated
> him. Thus providing us with a, perhaps small, but nonetheless, valuable
> resource.

Those allegations against the core member were withdrawn, and I think
it is despicable of you to use slurs of racism to attempt to promote
your project.  Hiten shouldn't be used as a pawn in your game.

No-one has a problem with DragonFly having forked over technical
differences.  Don't polarise it into active hate between the two
projects, you'll only end up damaging both.


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