1. (kde side) Anyone, would you please make a patch for nspluginscane to look /usr/X11R6/lib/browsers_plugins? or 2. (pluginwrapper side) If 1 is no, I'll install Flash6 plugin to /usr/local/netscape/plugins.
Personally I'd like (2) better, /usr/X11/lib/browser_plugins isn't really in the spirit of hier(7). Great to hear about this flashplugin-via-libmap project, can you provide some details? We'd like to put a HOWTO on kde-freebsd's homepage, etc.
And, do you know freebsd-kde mailling list? I know kde@ is, but I don't know public mailling list like [EMAIL PROTECTED] (and, as possible as, freebsd-opera, too)
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