In a message written on Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 04:59:46PM -0500, Mike Silbersack wrote:
> Note that if you're willing to run -current, your options are even
> better:  According to the ath manpage, the Atheros based cards support BSS
> mode, they're a/b/g capable, and they're true PCI/cardbus cards, so they
> should perform better.

Hey, this is looking like a really good option.  The only thing
that's not clear to me is can you do b and g at the same time (eg,
have a 54M g and 11M b client off the same AP) with a single card,
or would you need to have two cards, one running in each mode?

I get the impression if you run an AP in 802.11g mode then 802.11b
clients "just work", but it doesn't say that explicitly.

       Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
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