How would one go about creating a kernel module which utilizes
C++  code?

I was planning on using the macro __cplusplus to toggle using
extern "C" { }, however the style Makefiles seem to
force the language to -std=c99 even when compiling with c++ .

my initial steps have been as follows:
take a functioning C based kernel module and rename to .cc
added extern "C" around the includes.
#defined key words such as new to xxx_new
recompiled the new .cc file by hand without -std=c99, but
keeping all the flags as the Makefile set them.
then linked using the Makefile and finally loaded the module.

as long as I do not make any calls into kernel functions
things seem to work (load), however when I make a call to
mtx_init then on load i get the following error:
__gxx_personality_v0 undefined.



John G

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