On Tuesday 02 September 2003 04:07, Sten Daniel Sørsdal wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 12:38:34PM -0700, Greg Shenaut wrote:
> > >Has it ever been suggested to create one or more "dependencies"
> > >ports (or more to the point, packages)?  I think it might be
> > > pretty useful to have something like that so that all of the
> > > "prerequisites" can be installed at once.
> >
> > Maybe I'm missing something but how would that be an improvement on
> > what FreeBSD does now?  If I try to install package X, it will
> > automatically install dependencies A, B and C, as well as their
> > dependencies.
> That would ease the installation of port X on Y number of machines.
> Same libraries, same everything, precompiled.
> Otherwise one needs to manually track dependencies (not a terribly
> difficult job) and make those as packages, and keep doing this until
> all dependencies are as packages (in my case, i have several
> light-weight servers/routers that have no gcc/make capabilities).
> If anyone knows of a program/script that will do this for me, please
> speak up!

portinstall -r -p pkgname will build a package for pkgname and all of 
it's dependencies.

         "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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