
 I noticed that initstate() caused memory corruption on
 FreeBSD/sparc64.  I guess this is because lib/libc/stdlib/random.c
 assumes "long" is 32-bit long.

 The attached patch works fine on my box, but this is a bit ugly.
 Could anyone take care of this? 


Index: random.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/lib/libc/stdlib/random.c,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -d -u -I\$FreeBSD:.*\$ -I\$NetBSD:.*\$ -I\$OpenBSD:.*\$ -I\$Id:.*\$ -I\$hrs:.*\$ 
-r1.23 random.c
--- random.c    10 Aug 2003 17:49:55 -0000      1.23
+++ random.c    31 Aug 2003 03:00:04 -0000
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
  * congruential generator.  If the amount of state information is less than
  * 32 bytes, a simple linear congruential R.N.G. is used.
- * Internally, the state information is treated as an array of longs; the
+ * Internally, the state information is treated as an array of ints; the
  * zeroeth element of the array is the type of R.N.G. being used (small
  * integer); the remainder of the array is the state information for the
- * R.N.G.  Thus, 32 bytes of state information will give 7 longs worth of
+ * R.N.G.  Thus, 32 bytes of state information will give 7 ints worth of
  * state information, which will allow a degree seven polynomial.  (Note:
  * the zeroeth word of state information also has some other information
  * stored in it -- see setstate() for details).
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
 #define NSHUFF 50       /* to drop some "seed -> 1st value" linearity */
 #endif  /* !USE_WEAK_SEEDING */
-static long degrees[MAX_TYPES] =       { DEG_0, DEG_1, DEG_2, DEG_3, DEG_4 };
-static long seps [MAX_TYPES] = { SEP_0, SEP_1, SEP_2, SEP_3, SEP_4 };
+static const int degrees[MAX_TYPES] =  { DEG_0, DEG_1, DEG_2, DEG_3, DEG_4 };
+static const int seps [MAX_TYPES] =    { SEP_0, SEP_1, SEP_2, SEP_3, SEP_4 };
  * Initially, everything is set up as if from:
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
  *     MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state) + TYPE_3 == TYPE_3.
-static long randtbl[DEG_3 + 1] = {
+static int randtbl[DEG_3 + 1] = {
 /* Historic implementation compatibility */
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@
  * in the initialization of randtbl) because the state table pointer is set
  * to point to randtbl[1] (as explained below).
-static long *fptr = &randtbl[SEP_3 + 1];
-static long *rptr = &randtbl[1];
+static int *fptr = &randtbl[SEP_3 + 1];
+static int *rptr = &randtbl[1];
  * The following things are the pointer to the state information table, the
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@
  * this is more efficient than indexing every time to find the address of
  * the last element to see if the front and rear pointers have wrapped.
-static long *state = &randtbl[1];
-static long rand_type = TYPE_3;
-static long rand_deg = DEG_3;
-static long rand_sep = SEP_3;
-static long *end_ptr = &randtbl[DEG_3 + 1];
+static int *state = &randtbl[1];
+static int rand_type = TYPE_3;
+static int rand_deg = DEG_3;
+static int rand_sep = SEP_3;
+static int *end_ptr = &randtbl[DEG_3 + 1];
 static inline long good_rand(long);
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
  * Returns a pointer to the old state.
- * Note: The Sparc platform requires that arg_state begin on a long
+ * Note: The Sparc platform requires that arg_state begin on an int
  * word boundary; otherwise a bus error will occur. Even so, lint will
  * complain about mis-alignment, but you should disregard these messages.
@@ -361,12 +361,12 @@
        long n;                         /* # bytes of state info */
        char *ostate = (char *)(&state[-1]);
-       long *long_arg_state = (long *) arg_state;
+       int *int_arg_state = (int *)(void *)arg_state;
        if (rand_type == TYPE_0)
                state[-1] = rand_type;
-               state[-1] = MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state) + rand_type;
+               state[-1] = MAX_TYPES * (int)(rptr - state) + rand_type;
        if (n < BREAK_0) {
                    "random: not enough state (%ld bytes); ignored.\n", n);
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@
                rand_deg = DEG_4;
                rand_sep = SEP_4;
-       state = (long *) (long_arg_state + 1); /* first location */
+       state = (int *) (int_arg_state + 1); /* first location */
        end_ptr = &state[rand_deg];     /* must set end_ptr before srandom */
-       srandom(seed);
+       srandom((unsigned int)seed);
        if (rand_type == TYPE_0)
-               long_arg_state[0] = rand_type;
+               int_arg_state[0] = rand_type;
-               long_arg_state[0] = MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state) + rand_type;
+               int_arg_state[0] = MAX_TYPES * (int)(rptr - state) + rand_type;
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
        char *arg_state;                /* pointer to state array */
-       long *new_state = (long *) arg_state;
+       int *new_state = (int *)(void *)arg_state;
        long type = new_state[0] % MAX_TYPES;
        long rear = new_state[0] / MAX_TYPES;
        char *ostate = (char *)(&state[-1]);
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
        if (rand_type == TYPE_0)
                state[-1] = rand_type;
-               state[-1] = MAX_TYPES * (rptr - state) + rand_type;
+               state[-1] = MAX_TYPES * (int)(rptr - state) + rand_type;
        switch(type) {
        case TYPE_0:
        case TYPE_1:
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
                    "random: state info corrupted; not changed.\n");
-       state = (long *) (new_state + 1);
+       state = (int *) (new_state + 1);
        if (rand_type != TYPE_0) {
                rptr = &state[rear];
                fptr = &state[(rear + rand_sep) % rand_deg];
@@ -478,8 +478,8 @@
-       long i;
-       long *f, *r;
+       int i;
+       int *f, *r;
        if (rand_type == TYPE_0) {
                i = state[0];
@@ -490,7 +490,8 @@
                f = fptr; r = rptr;
                *f += *r;
-               i = (*f >> 1) & 0x7fffffff;     /* chucking least random bit */
+               /* chucking least random bit */
+               i = ((unsigned int)*f >> 1) & 0x7fffffff;
                if (++f >= end_ptr) {
                        f = state;

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