On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Scott Long wrote:

> All,
> This is kind of an unconventional call for help.  As we approach the
> release of 5.2, we'd really like to show off the performance and
> stability of our new threading packages.  So, I'm looking for people
> to volunteer to go out and put some of the thread-capable enterprise
> and desktop packages to the test.  Packages that I would most like
> to see are:
> Apache 2
> BIND 9
> OpenOffice
> Mozilla
> KDE desktop + Konq
> Java 1.3/1.4 + Tomcat/etc
> Others?

As to OpenOffice, Mozilla, and KDE/Konqueror, David and I have
been using them all with libkse with no noticable difference.
I don't know how you'd judge performance with these, since
it is more "how it feels".

You shouldn't use jdk13 with libkse or libthr since it relies
on the internals of the thread library (libc_r).  It is only useful
to benchmark jdk14 which, in theory, should work with all our
native thread libraries.

> The questions that I would like to have answered are:
> Does it take advantage of pthreads
> Does it work with libkse and libthr
> Does it operate correctly
> Does it perform better/worse than with libc_r
> Does it perform better/worse than under FreeBSD 4.x

One thing I have noticed about Mozilla, is that it does
create both scope process and scope system threads, which
was kind of nice to see.

The ACE library is threaded and includes a set of tests;
some of which show performance:


David and I have a couple of other tests which we use to
measure performance of our threads libraries.

Dan Eischen

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