While humming that old rock song Yackety Yacc - Dont Awk Back 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sang or SED something like this:

> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 10:53:38 +1000
> From: Greg Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Minimalist FreeBSD 4.8
> To: Diomidis Spinellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> On 2003-08-26, Diomidis Spinellis wrote:
> > Tyler Kellen wrote:
> >
> > > The information I'm looking to aquire is the absolute
> > > minimum files required to boot FreeBSD 4.8 into multi-user
> > > mode. If this involves deleting a massive amount of
> > > directories and files, or setting up a new drive and
> > > copying only the needed files, I think I can make it work.

> > You can use the system the way you intent to for two weeks,
> > and then run

> > find / -atime +2w -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

> > This command will delete all files that have not been
> > accessed within the last two weeks.

> And it would also remove things like find and xargs and all the
> other system binaries -- their atime does not get changed when
> they are executed. Check your facts before giving this kind of
> advice.

And if you had an entry like this in your /etc/fstab file it
could cause some suprises too.

# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
...[deleted - only left significant line - wjv]
/dev/da0s1f             /usr            ufs     rw,noatime      2       2

This has among other things a new hierarchy and in this
underpowered system I saw no need to write atimes to the inode
which are probably going to be gone in two weeks anyway.

atime is probably not needed in the vast majority of systems IMO.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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