On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 09:39:36AM +0200, Soeren Straarup wrote:
> Well my point is that every one (that is interrested in security) knows
> that Sendmail and bind and so on have their exploits..
> And I like that they are the one that is comming with some more or less
> insecure services, this is due to that it really gives ppl the freedom
> choose the services that they want to use. But the generic ones works for
> home networks with no external access too.
> Freedom of religion.
> Well with freedom comes responsibility.

And this responsibility is handled excellently by the FreeBSD Security
Officer team and the FreeBSD sendmail maintainer, George Shapiro.
I don't think that there would be a better way to handle the existing
and published Sendmail vulnerabilities than the current practice of
timely patches and updates to both -current, -stable, *and* the various
security branches, so that everyone tracking the security advisories is
aware of the need to update, and update *now*, as soon as there is
actually something to update to.  Great job, folks!

With that said, you could always do what I do and cut your own releases
with appropriate NO_* knobs in make.conf ;)  This is *not* to say that I
don't trust the security officer team and the maintainers of the various
pieces of contributed software that I exclude from my own builds; it's
just a matter of personal preference.

Here's hoping this is the last post in this thread :)  (The last word?
Me?  Naah, that's just lack of morning coffee getting to you :P )


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