Michael Bushkov wrote:
> Hello Terry,

Hello back,

[ ... ]
> Ok, so if we do a daemon and call all nss_functions from it - will it
> help? We'll solve all the problems with statically/dinmically linked
> programs and we'll be able to make some caching, by
> the way.
> We've done such work. As a start, we have implemented nss_files module, which
> worked wit a special NSSD daemon. Libc communicated with them using
> sockets. That decision worked quite fast and was very stable. If we
> port nss_ldap (by PADL.com) and add some caching procedures, we'll
> have almost a lookupd analog.

Quite cool!

NB: If you are strict NSS, you might be able to use the
nss_ldap from FreeBSD without modification.

I think this is ideal, so long as you can have multiple
concurrent requests (e.g. there is at least a 64bit tag that
gets given with the request and returned with the response,
which can be a thread ID or other opaque data) on the same
connection.  This would permit the creation of *_r functions
for libc with a fixed overhead which does not increase per
thread per request.

I think you would need to have someone work on the actual libc
code to go with the daemon, as a proof of implementation, but I
think it's probably exactly what the doctor ordered!

I love that people do real research on things like this!  8-).

Is your code under a particular license, and are there some
proof of concept *_r routines, or do you need some volunteers
to help you work on anything?  What would help you move forward
on this?

-- Terry
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