On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 14:14:53 +0300
Tom Alsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Having got a new machine here a few days ago, an Intel ICH D865 PERL
> board based Pentium IV machine, with an on-board Intel EtherExpress
> Pro 100 VE, it failed to detect the network adapter.
> Seeing that it is an EtherExpress Pro 100, I though the fxp module
> should work with it, and found out that the PCI ID (8086:1050) just
> isn't recognized as one (new chip or something, apparently).
> With the following patch to if_fxp.c:
> --- sys/dev/fxp/if_fxp.c.orig   Thu Jun 12 14:08:22 2003
> +++ sys/dev/fxp/if_fxp.c        Thu Jun 12 13:29:37 2003
> @@ -162,6 +162,7 @@
>      { 0x103C,          "Intel 82801DB (ICH4) Pro/100 Ethernet" },
>      { 0x103D,          "Intel 82801DB (ICH4) Pro/100 VE Ethernet" },
>      { 0x103E,          "Intel 82801DB (ICH4) Pro/100 VM Ethernet" },
> +    { 0x1050,          "Intel 82801BA (D865) Pro/100 VE Ethernet" },
>      { 0x1059,          "Intel 82551QM Pro/100 M Mobile Connection" },
>      { 0x1209,          "Intel 82559ER Embedded 10/100 Ethernet" },
>      { 0x1229,          "Intel 82557/8/9 EtherExpress Pro/100(B)
>      Ethernet" },
> it seems to work.  I am not sure how reliable it is and whether other
> modifications should be made, but it worked fine for now.
> Of course, the ID string is also perhaps not the best - perhaps it
> needs to be changed.
> Anyway, I would like it to be added to the driver, so new machines
> with that adapter will work out of the box.  Should I submit this
> trivial patch to anywhere else, or can it be picked up from this list?

        You should check send-pr(1). Thanks for the contribution!  
> BTW, I had the same story with Linux (that's what they wanted on it, I
> was just diagnosing the problem) before, and a similar change to the
> Linux eepro100 driver worked as well - had it worked with Linux out of
> the box, I wouldn't probably try FreeBSD on it...
>   Thanks,
>   -- Tom
> -- 
>   Tom Alsberg - hacker (being the best description fitting this space)
>   Web page:   http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~alsbergt/
> DISCLAIMER:  The above message does not even necessarily represent
> what my fingers have typed on the keyboard, save anything further.
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